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Joseph loves peek-a-boo

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Dear Keith, MSAF, and Janet,

Thank you for helping Joseph grow and develop at an appropriate rate for his age. Although Joseph’s family struggles financially, he was lucky to be born to very supportive parents. Alba, Joseph’s mother, was delighted to be one of the first families enrolled in Save the Children’s new Early Steps to School Success Program in Colorado. Alba has been motivated from the beginning and participates in all of the activities, especially the peek-a-boo activity. Alba looks forward to the home visits of the ESSS coordinator because it brings consistency to her home life and helps keep her focused on educating her children. Now, at four months, Joseph is able to focus his vision and is grasping the peek-a-boo book, a favorite. His fine motor skills are exactly at the stage they should be for a child his age!

Keith, MSAF and Janet, your generosity will provide Alba and Joseph vital support.

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