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Taira understands that she is her child’s most important teacher

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Dear Tom,

Taira, a young single parent, was skeptical about Save the Children’s Early Steps to School Success Program when she enrolled her newborn daughter, Crystal. During one particular visit, it was time for the ESSS coordinator to give Taira a new bag of books. When Taira opened the book bag, Crystal began to say “Moo-Moo” because she wanted to find the book she had the week before, which had a cow in it. Taira was shocked that Crystal had been paying attention when she was read to, even though she was only four months old. Crystal is 18 months old now and can say many words. She can point to her nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and hair when asked to do so. She sits quietly and listens to stories being read to her. Taira now reads to Crystal every day and understands that, as a parent, she is her child’s most important teacher. Thank you, Tom for helping to build Crystal’s literacy skills and equipping Taira with the skills and knowledge to successfully support her child’s growth!

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